Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Battle of the BBQ: Arthur Bryant's

If you asked someone who had never ventured to Kansas City to name one thing about the metropolitan area, odds are they would mention barbecue.  So it seems like a fitting place to begin a blog about discovering the City's identity...

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Exploration Begins!

"We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started... and know the place for the first time."  -- T.S. Eliot
Growing up outside of Kansas City, I never really spent time exploring what the metropolitan area had to offer.  Surrounded by the inherent self-concentration of adolescence, I was content on remaining contained to my suburban life.  After venturing off to the east coast for over seven years, I had occasion to return on short visits, but still never really discovered the heart and soul of the City.  Recently I've moved back to the Kansas City area and I am finding myself constantly wondering what defines this City.  In my experience, every city has a certain character, a certain culture, a certain romance.  People often define themselves by their city.  Bostonians, New Yorkers and Portlanders all carry certain tangible characteristics.  While applied individually, these characteristics are merely stereotypes; but when applied in a collective, a certain truth about their respective cities emerges.  What then, is a Kansas Citian? ...